Firebase Login and User System is an UE4 plugin that provides the ability to register/login firebase and store user info with firestore. Using firebase, you don’t need your own server for user login or data storage.
Firebase Login and User System is a simple plugin that intergrates firebase c++ sdk (Auth and Firestore) to UE4. This plugin helps you to use firebase authorization and firestore from Blueprint easily. By these firebase features, you can build your own login and user system easier. Using firebase authorization and firestore feature, you can let user login with email which supports email verification, and save user info into firestore.
Current supported platform:
Following blew steps, you will use this tool quickly.
Register your firebase account on Firebase website and add your own project.
Add your own Android App from firebase console.
Copy “google-services.json” or “GoogleService-Info.plist” file to Content/Firebase folder and Modify Project Setting as follow:
Add “Firebase” folder to “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package”.
For android, set mini sdk version to 16 as follow.
Drag FirebaseProxy into your own level.
Add firestore collection to save your user info (ex. collection “testdata”).
Customize your own firestore rule to restrict an user can only modify herself/himself data.
Open demo project and see the example from blueprint BP_Login_UI, BP_Register_UI and BP_UserInfo_UI inside UMG folder.
For firebase authorization usage, see BP_Login_UI and BP_Register_UI.
After you login, you can operate the Firestore. For firestore usage, see BP_Firestore_UI inside UMG folder:
Notice that you should login first before operating the firestore. Generally speaking, you should let your user login and then save their information to firestore.
We try to support Firebase Storage to save user files. For firebase storage usage, see BP_Storage_UI.
Notice that you also need t login first before operating the firebase storage.
Parameters definition:
You can get upload progress as follow.
Download operation is similar to the above upload operation. For download and delete operation, see BP_Storage_UI.
Finally, you can test your demo as follow.
if you want to add the plugin to your own project, just following the steps given below.
Put plugin to folder “Plugins” in your project.
Right click your project file(.uprojcet) and select “Generate Visual Studio project files”
Open Visual Studio project and complile.
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