UE4 Asset Editor Class Definition

UE4 Asset Editor Class Definition

1 FAssetEditorToolkit

The basic class to develop asset editor is FAssetEditorToolkit, which contains basic functions for asset editor development. The structure is given below.


An asset editor consists of a number of tabs. The basic flow to create an asset editor:

  • Create a editor class, derived from FAssetEditorToolkit.

  • Create a layout for your editor.

  • Register and spawn tabs by FTabManager.

For your subclass of FAssetEditorToolkit, the key functions should be called or overrided are given below.

virtual void InitAssetEditor(const EToolkitMode::Type Mode, const TSharedPtr<IToolkitHost>& InitToolkitHost, const FName AppIdentifier, const TSharedRef<FTabManager::FLayout>& StandaloneDefaultLayout, const bool bCreateDefaultStandaloneMenu, const bool bCreateDefaultToolbar, UObject* ObjectToEdit, const bool bInIsToolbarFocusable = false, const bool bInUseSmallToolbarIcons = false);

virtual void RegisterTabSpawners(const TSharedRef<FTabManager>& TabManager) override;

  • InitAssetEditor should be called from your editor class, it can create default layout, menu and toolbar. AppIdentifier is an unique identification name.

  • RegisterTabSpawners should be overrided to add different tabs. For example:

void FSoundSubmixEditor::RegisterTabSpawners(const TSharedRef<FTabManager>& InTabManager)
	WorkspaceMenuCategory = InTabManager->AddLocalWorkspaceMenuCategory(LOCTEXT("WorkspaceMenu_SoundSubmixEditor", "Sound Submix Editor"));
	auto WorkspaceMenuCategoryRef = WorkspaceMenuCategory.ToSharedRef();
	InTabManager->RegisterTabSpawner(GraphCanvasTabId, FOnSpawnTab::CreateSP(this, &FSoundSubmixEditor::SpawnTab_GraphCanvas))
		.SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("GraphCanvasTab", "Graph"))
		.SetIcon(FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), "GraphEditor.EventGraph_16x"));

	InTabManager->RegisterTabSpawner(PropertiesTabId, FOnSpawnTab::CreateSP(this, &FSoundSubmixEditor::SpawnTab_Properties))
		.SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("PropertiesTab", "Details"))
		.SetIcon(FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), "LevelEditor.Tabs.Details"));

2 FWorkflowCentricApplication

For some assets that have different application mode (ex. BehaviorTree), UE4 provide a class derived from FAssetEditorToolkit to achieve this conveniently, called FWorkflowCentricApplication.



  • This FWorkflowCentricApplication editor can have several application mode, such as FBehaviorTreeEditorApplicationMode and FBlackboardEditorApplicationMode in behavior tree editor.

  • Every FApplicationMode has its layout and tabs.

  • Every FApplicationMode has a number of FWorkflowTabFactory.

  • Each FWorkflowTabFactory will create a tab for different purpose.

3 User Defined Asset Editor Class Definition

As the structure of FWorkflowCentricApplication is clearer, I recommend to create asset editor class, derived form it.

class FTestEditor : public FWorkflowCentricApplication, public FEditorUndoClient, public FNotifyHook
	virtual void RegisterTabSpawners(const TSharedRef<class FTabManager>& TabManager) override;
	void InitEditor(const EToolkitMode::Type Mode, const TSharedPtr< class IToolkitHost >& InitToolkitHost, UObject* InObject);

4 User Defined Asset Editor Entry

As I mentioned in UE4 User-Defined Asset Type Action, the entry of asset editor is defined in the type action class.

void FAssetTypeActions_UserDefinedAsset::OpenAssetEditor(const TArray<UObject*>& InObjects, TSharedPtr<IToolkitHost> EditWithinLevelEditor)
	EToolkitMode::Type Mode = EditWithinLevelEditor.IsValid() ? EToolkitMode::WorldCentric : EToolkitMode::Standalone;
	for (auto Object : InObjects)
		auto NewAsset = Cast<UUserDefinedAsset>(Object);
		if (NewAsset != nullptr)
			TSharedRef< FTestEditor > NewEditor(new FTestEditor());
			NewEditor->InitEditor(Mode, EditWithinLevelEditor, NewAsset);

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