UE4 Asset Editor Graph Node

UE4 Asset Editor Graph Node

1 Overview

After creating graph view, you need to create graph node to organize the logic inside the graph.

2 Graph Node Construction

Create your own graph node class, derived form UEdGraphNode.

class UTestGraphNode : public UEdGraphNode

	//~ Begin UEdGraphNode Interface
	virtual void AllocateDefaultPins() override;
	virtual FText GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType) const override;
	virtual FText GetTooltipText() const override;
	//~ End UEdGraphNode Interface
//Create pins
void UTestGraphNode::AllocateDefaultPins()
	CreatePin(EGPD_Output, UTestEditorTypes::PinCategory_SingleNode, FString(), nullptr, TEXT(""));

Create node instance and add to graph.

UEdGraphNode* CreateGraphNode(class UEdGraph* ParentGraph, const FVector2D Location)
	if(ParentGraph == NULL) return NULL;
	UEdGraphNode* ResultNode = NewObject<UTestGraphNode>(ParentGraph);
	// set outer to be the graph so it doesn't go away
	ResultNode->Rename(NULL, ParentGraph, REN_NonTransactional);
	ResultNode->AddNode(NodeTemplate, true);
	NodeTemplate->NodePosX = Location.X;
	NodeTemplate->NodePosY = Location.Y;
	// setup pins after placing node
	return ResultNode;


3 Graph Node Connection

In the schema class (Introduced in previous) article) , you can determine the node pins connection condition.

const FPinConnectionResponse UEdGraphSchema_Test::CanCreateConnection(const UEdGraphPin* PinA, const UEdGraphPin* PinB) const
	// Make sure the pins are not on the same node
	if (PinA->GetOwningNode() == PinB->GetOwningNode())
		return FPinConnectionResponse(CONNECT_RESPONSE_DISALLOW, LOCTEXT("PinErrorSameNode", "Both are on the same node"));
	// Make sure the pins are not on the same node
	return FPinConnectionResponse(CONNECT_RESPONSE_MAKE, LOCTEXT("PinConnect", "Connect nodes"));

4 Graph Node Context Menu

Also, in the schema class, you can add context menu for graph node as follow.

void UEdGraphSchema_Test::GetContextMenuActions(class UToolMenu* Menu, class UGraphNodeContextMenuContext* Context) const
	if (Context->Node)
		/* before UE4.24
		MenuBuilder->BeginSection("TestGraphSchemaNodeActions", LOCTEXT("ClassActionsMenuHeader", "Node Actions"));
		FToolMenuSection& Section = Menu->AddSection("TestGraphSchemaNodeActions", LOCTEXT("ClassActionsMenuHeader", "Node Actions"));

	Super::GetContextMenuActions(Menu,  Context);


5 Graph Node, Connection, Pin Style

If you need to customize graph node style, you can add style factory to do this.


For example (Build-in AnimationGraph):

struct ANIMATIONBLUEPRINTEDITOR_API FAnimationGraphNodeFactory : public FGraphPanelNodeFactory
	virtual TSharedPtr<class SGraphNode> CreateNode(class UEdGraphNode* InNode) const override;

struct ANIMATIONBLUEPRINTEDITOR_API FAnimationGraphPinFactory : public FGraphPanelPinFactory
	virtual TSharedPtr<class SGraphPin> CreatePin(class UEdGraphPin* Pin) const override;

struct ANIMATIONBLUEPRINTEDITOR_API FAnimationGraphPinConnectionFactory : public FGraphPanelPinConnectionFactory
	virtual class FConnectionDrawingPolicy* CreateConnectionPolicy(const class UEdGraphSchema* Schema, int32 InBackLayerID, int32 InFrontLayerID, float ZoomFactor, const class FSlateRect& InClippingRect, class FSlateWindowElementList& InDrawElements, class UEdGraph* InGraphObj) const override;

Register these factories in StartupModule().

void FAnimationBlueprintEditorModule::StartupModule()
	AnimGraphNodeFactory = MakeShareable(new FAnimationGraphNodeFactory());

	AnimGraphPinFactory = MakeShareable(new FAnimationGraphPinFactory());

	AnimGraphPinConnectionFactory = MakeShareable(new FAnimationGraphPinConnectionFactory());

5.1 Graph Node Style

For graph node style, you need to create your own class, derived from SGraphNode. SGraphNode is the visual widget shown in graph.

For example:

class SGraphNodeAnimState : public SGraphNode
	void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs, UAnimStateNodeBase* InNode);
	// SNodePanel::SNode interface
	virtual void GetNodeInfoPopups(FNodeInfoContext* Context, TArray<FGraphInformationPopupInfo>& Popups) const override;
	// End of SNodePanel::SNode interface

	// SGraphNode interface
	virtual void UpdateGraphNode() override;
	virtual void CreatePinWidgets() override;
	virtual void AddPin(const TSharedRef<SGraphPin>& PinToAdd) override;
	virtual TSharedPtr<SToolTip> GetComplexTooltip() override;
	// End of SGraphNode interface

Determine which SGraphNode you want to used in the node factory.

For example:

TSharedPtr<class SGraphNode> FAnimationGraphNodeFactory::CreateNode(class UEdGraphNode* InNode) const 
	if (UAnimStateNode* StateNode = Cast<UAnimStateNode>(InNode))
		return SNew(SGraphNodeAnimState, StateNode);
	return nullptr;

Here, the UAnimStateNode is corresponding to UTestGraphNode (derived form UEdGraphNode) above.

5.2 Connnection Style

For the pin connection style, you need to create a drawing policy class, derived from FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy;

For example:

// This class draws the connections for an UEdGraph with an animation schema
class FAnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy : public FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy
	// Constructor
	FAnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(int32 InBackLayerID, int32 InFrontLayerID, float ZoomFactor, const FSlateRect& InClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& InDrawElements, UEdGraph* InGraphObj);

	// FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy interface
	virtual bool TreatWireAsExecutionPin(UEdGraphPin* InputPin, UEdGraphPin* OutputPin) const override;
	virtual void BuildExecutionRoadmap() override;
	virtual void DetermineStyleOfExecWire(float& Thickness, FLinearColor& WireColor, bool& bDrawBubbles, const FTimePair& Times) override;
	// End of FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy interface

Determine which drawing policy used in the graph in the factory.

For example:

class FConnectionDrawingPolicy* FAnimationGraphPinConnectionFactory::CreateConnectionPolicy(const class UEdGraphSchema* Schema, int32 InBackLayerID, int32 InFrontLayerID, float ZoomFactor, const class FSlateRect& InClippingRect, class FSlateWindowElementList& InDrawElements, class UEdGraph* InGraphObj) const
	if (Schema->IsA(UAnimationGraphSchema::StaticClass()))
		return new FAnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(InBackLayerID, InFrontLayerID, ZoomFactor, InClippingRect, InDrawElements, InGraphObj);
	else if (Schema->IsA(UAnimationStateMachineSchema::StaticClass()))
		return new FStateMachineConnectionDrawingPolicy(InBackLayerID, InFrontLayerID, ZoomFactor, InClippingRect, InDrawElements, InGraphObj);
	return nullptr;

Notice that you can also determine the drawing policy class in the schema class. It will override the policy from the connection factory class.

class UEdGraphSchema_Test : public UEdGraphSchema
	//~ Begin EdGraphSchema Interface
	virtual class FConnectionDrawingPolicy* CreateConnectionDrawingPolicy(int32 InBackLayerID, int32 InFrontLayerID, float InZoomFactor, const FSlateRect& InClippingRect, class FSlateWindowElementList& InDrawElements, class UEdGraph* InGraphObj) const override;

5.3 Pin Style

For the pin style, you need to create a pin class, derived from SGraphPin;

For example:

class SGraphPinPose : public SGraphPin

	void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs, UEdGraphPin* InPin);

	//~ Begin SGraphPin Interface
	virtual const FSlateBrush* GetPinIcon() const override;
	//~ End SGraphPin Interface
	mutable const FSlateBrush* CachedImg_Pin_ConnectedHovered;
	mutable const FSlateBrush* CachedImg_Pin_DisconnectedHovered;

Determine which pin style used in the graph in the factory.

For example:

TSharedPtr<class SGraphPin> FAnimationGraphPinFactory::CreatePin(class UEdGraphPin* InPin) const
	if (InPin->PinType.PinCategory == UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Struct)
		if ((InPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject == FPoseLink::StaticStruct()) || (InPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject == FComponentSpacePoseLink::StaticStruct()))
			return SNew(SGraphPinPose, InPin);
	return nullptr;

The default sytle will be used if return nullptr.

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