UE4 Slate Widget Grammar

UE4 Slate Widget Grammar

1 Overview

For editor slate widget, UE4 customized the specific grammar for programming.

For example:

TSharedRef<SWidget> TitleBarWidget =
		+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
		.Text(LOCTEXT("TestGraphLabel", "Test"))
	    .TextStyle(FEditorStyle::Get(), TEXT("GraphBreadcrumbButtonText"))

It is quite easy to create the different widgets if you follow the specific programming format.

2 SNew and SAssignNew

In UE4, slate widgets are constructed through SNew and SAssignNew.

#define SNew( WidgetType, ... ) \
	MakeTDecl<WidgetType>( #WidgetType, __FILE__, __LINE__, RequiredArgs::MakeRequiredArgs(__VA_ARGS__) ) <<= TYPENAME_OUTSIDE_TEMPLATE WidgetType::FArguments()

#define SAssignNew( ExposeAs, WidgetType, ... ) \
	MakeTDecl<WidgetType>( #WidgetType, __FILE__, __LINE__, RequiredArgs::MakeRequiredArgs(__VA_ARGS__) ) . Expose( ExposeAs ) <<= TYPENAME_OUTSIDE_TEMPLATE WidgetType::FArguments()

Using SAssignNew, you can get the pointer after creating the slate widget at the same time.

Any sub class of widget class of SWidget needs to use SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS and SLATE_END_ARS to add support for SNew and SAssignNew.

For example:

class SMyWidget : public SWidget
     SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS( SMyWidget )
          , _PreferredWidth( 150.0f )
          , _ForegroundColor( FLinearColor::White )
          SLATE_ATTRIBUTE(float, PreferredWidth)
          SLATE_ATTRIBUTE(FSlateColor, ForegroundColor)


The statement is given below.

#define SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS( WidgetType ) \
	public: \
	struct FArguments : public TSlateBaseNamedArgs<WidgetType> \
	{ \
		typedef FArguments WidgetArgsType; \

#define SLATE_END_ARGS() \

3 Programming Rule

To create your own slate widget for UI, you can follow the rule given below.

	SNew(SBorder) //create a top slate widget
	.BorderImage(FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.TitleBackground"))) // slate property
	.HAlign(HAlign_Fill) // Alignment
	[                    // brackets[] to create sub content
		SNew(SHorizontalBox) // create horizontal layout
		+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
			.Text(LOCTEXT("TestGraphLabel", "Test"))
			.TextStyle(FEditorStyle::Get(), TEXT("GraphBreadcrumbButtonText"))


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