AI Framework API

1 BP_AIController_USG

1.1 Propeties

  • SenseDistance: The distance to sense the enemies.

  • WayPointList: Way points for AI moving.

  • DefaultBevTree: Default behavior tree for this AI.

1.2 Functions

  • CheckRootStateChanged: Check the character state to determine which sub behavior tree will be running.

  • InitStateProcess: Initialize the AI character state.

  • AttackEnemy: Run the action to attack current enemy.

  • IdleActionProcess: The logic running when the AI character is in idle state.

  • ActionBeforeAttack: The action running before attacking enemy.

  • ActionAfterMove: The action running after reaching one target location.

  • UpdateMoveDestination: Update the target moving location.

  • CheckEnemy: Return the enemy for attacking.

  • OnBevTreeModifyAIState: Change the AI state for current AI character and you can cache this state for AI control.

  • ActionOnNearDeath: The action running when the AI character is nearly dead.

  • ActionOnDeath: The action running when the AI character is dead.