Quick Start

1 Lobby

Open the following lobby map to navigate to different maps for testing basic features.

  • /Game/USGT/Game/Lobby/Map/Lobby


  • Click Start button to switch map.

  • Click Search button to find existing session to join.

  • All the testing maps are located in /Game/USGT/Game/Gameplay

2 Item System Test


  • Press F to pick up current item.

  • Press TAB to show pickups panel and inventory panel.

  • Click the item from pickups panel to pick up target item.

  • Click the item from inventory panel to operate target item.

  • Cumulative items will be added up until reaching the limit.

  • Weapon will be equipped or replaced after picking up (Rules can be modifies in item entity blueprint).

  • Loaded ammo will be dropped with the weapon.

All the items are defined in the following table.

  • /Game/USGT/Game/CoreModules/Items/DT_ItemDefinition

3 Weapon System Test


  • Press F to pick up current item.

  • Press TAB to show pickups panel and inventory panel.

  • Press R to reload current weapon.

  • Press N to switch to next weapon.

  • Press M to change shooting mode.

  • Click right mouse button to enter ADS mode.

  • You can define your own weapon and adjust weapon trajectory. See the example at /Game/USGT/Game/CoreModules/Weapon/Rifle

4 AI Framework Test


  • See detail of compact AI Framework at here.

4 Character State Test


  • Press Shift+W to sprint.

  • Press C to crouch and player cannot sprint while crouching.

  • Press TAB to jump or leave crouching state.

  • Shooting will interrupt sprint state.

  • The speed of sprint, walk and crouch is configurable.

  • Character states and mutex states are configurable. See the example at /Game/USGT/Framework/Character/States/DA_StateMutexSetting.

5 Character Customization Test


  • Press F to pick up current item.

  • The clothing item will be auto put on after picking up.

  • Take off the clothing items from inventory panel.

  • Easy to define different clothing items. See the example at /Game/USGT/Game/CoreModules/Items.

6 UI Features Test


  • HeadView: Add any 2D screen UI as an indicator.

  • MiniMap : Press I to unfold minimap.

  • MiniMap: Easy to add item to minimap.

  • LoopScrollBox: Click to see details

  • All the UI features are located at /Game/USGT/Framework/UI.

7 Support

In the event you are unable to find the information you seek, feel free to contact us.