Lobby System

1 Overview

This document will explain how to setup the lobby system based our framework. Lobby system is used to create room session for multiplayer game.

2 Basic Setup

Config the default lobby map in the BP_LobbyManager_USG in the controller blueprint.


See the usage from following blueprint.

  • /Game/USGT/Game/Lobby/UI/WB_LobbySessionUI.WB_LobbySessionUI

The BP_LobbyManager_USG provide several functions for basic lobby operations.

  • HostLobbySession: Create the session as the host.

  • JoinLobbySession: Join the provided session.

  • SearchLobbySession: Find exist lobby sessions.

  • DestroyLobbySession: Destroy the session (session owner only).

  • LeaveLobbySession: Leave current session.

  • KickoutLobby: Kickout someone if you are the session owner.

  • SwitchMap: Notify all clients to switch map.

  • IsLobbySessionOwner: Whether you are the session owner.

Notice we integrate the build-in session functions (CreateSession/FindSessions/JoinSession) to manage all operations inside one component.

Open the following map to test lobby system.

  • /Game/USGT/Game/Lobby/Map/Lobby
