Actor Customization API
1 BP_CharacterCustomizer_USG
1.1 Propeties
RetargetMesh: If you need to retarget mesh, fill the new mesh for this parameter.
RetargetAnimClass: Retargeting animation class.
RetargetMeshTransform: Relative transform of the new mesh.
LeaderPoseSlot: The leader pose slot of the modular character.
DefaultModularParts: Config the default modular parts for the character.
ModularMeshParts: Replicated modular mesh parts data.
1.2 Functions
RetargetingMesh: Use the configuration to retargeting the owner actor’s mesh.
InitModularParts: Initialize the default modular parts.
RemoveMeshPart: Remove mesh part by slot.
GetLeaderPoseComponent: Return the leader pose mesh component of this modular character.
GetMeshPartUniqueID: Get unique mesh part id by slot.
GetMeshPartComp: Get mesh component by slot.
GetMeshPartInfo: Get mesh part data by slot.
InitLeaderPose: Initialize the leader pose component.
AddSkeletalMeshPart: Add a new modular skeletal mesh part.
AddStaticMeshPart: Add a new static mesh part with the socket.
RemovePartBySlot: Remove modular part by slot.
RecycleMeshComp: Recycle the mesh component to the pool.
NewSKComponent: Get the skeletal mesh component from the pool or create a new component.
NewSTComponent: Get the static mesh component from the pool or create a new component.