Head View API
1 WB_ActorHeadView_USG
1.1 Propeties
OwnerActor: The actor that this head view widget represented.
OwnerProxy: The owner proxy component used to created this widget item.
1.2 Functions
OnInOrOutScreen: Called when the widget is in or out the screen.
OnInitOwnerActor: Called when the widget item was created by BP_ActorHeadViewProxy_USG.
2 BP_ActorHeadViewProxy_USG
2.1 Propeties
WidgetClass: The widget class to display on the screen.
IsMovableActor: If true, the head widget will following the actor and it will have more computation cost.
ActorLocOffset: Offset for calculating the head widget location.
HeadSocketName: If this parameter is not none, we will try to get the socket location to display the head widget.
DisplayName: Display name to pass to the widget to show in the screen.
MaxDisplayDistance: If the distance between the local controlled pawn and target actor is larger than this parameter, the head widget will be hidden.
bHiddenIfOutScreen: If true, the head widget will be hidden when it is outside the viewport.
ScreenEdgeStart: The edge offet of viewport from top left corner.
ScreenEdgeEnd: The edge offset of viewport from right bottom corner.
2.2 Functions
ConvertWorldToScreenPos: Called when the widget item added in the minmap widget.
UpdateHeadItem: Update head view widget from HUD tick.
RefreshActorLocation: Refresh owner actor location or socket location.
OnRemoveProxyFromHUD: Remove proxy from HUD class, every proxy will be registered to HUD and tick from HUD.