Item System API
1 BP_ItemEntityBase_USG
1.1 Propeties
PickupClass: The pickup entity class for this item entity.
GenPickupWhenDiscard: If true, a pickup actor(using PickupClass) will be generated on the groud after discarding this item.
ItemID: The id of this item.
InstanceID: The unique instance id of this item.
Count: The current item count.
ItemDefinition: The cache item definition from item table.
InventoryMgr: The reference of item manager.
OwnerActor: The owner actor of this item.
1.2 Functions
OnGained: When obtaining items, you can do some initialization operations.
OnCountChanged: The Callback function when current item count changed.
TryUseItem: The interface triggered when item used.
TryDisuseItem:The interface triggered when item disused.
TryDiscardItem:The interface triggered when item discarded.
2 BP_PickupEntity_USG
2.1 Propeties
DefaultPickupList: The list of item id that can be picked up. The item id is configured at the item table.
IsAutoPickup: If true, the items will be auto picked up when the player overlap this pickup actor.
IsDestroyAfterPickup: If true, this pick up actor will be destroyed after all items are picked up.
Sphere: Config the sphere radius for overlapping. Listening to this event to show display ui.
RepPickupList: The replicated list to maintain available items as different players can pick up items from the same pickup entity actor.
2.2 Functions
GetBeginOverlapDistance: Return the begin overlap distance between character and pickup actor.
GetEndOverlapDistance: Return the end overlap distance between character and pickup actor. Generally, this distance should be larger then begin overlap distance to avoid trigger overlap too frequently.
AddPickupItem: Add an available item for this pickup actor at runtime as player can pick up more than one item from a pickup entity.
3 BP_InventoryManager_USG
3.1 Propeties
DepotCapacity: The depot capacity for storing all items.
VerifyPickupDistance: The distance to verify if a pick up action is valid.
ItemDefinitionTable: The item definition table reference.
LogicItemList: The replicated List of all items, mainly stored all items ID and status and used to synchronize items to the clients.
AllItemEntities: All items entities, which are only existing on the authorization side, please do not use this list on the client.
PickupEntities: All pickup entities nearby the character.
ItemClassCache: The map to cache the item entity class.
ItemDefinitions: The map to cache all item definitions.
3.2 Functions
AddItem: Add one single item (authorization side only).
AddItems: Add multiple items (authorization side only).
TryUseItem: Try use the item and this function will notify server if calling from client.
TryDisuseItem: Try disuse the item and this function will notify server if calling from client.
TryDiscardItem: Try discard the item and this function will notify server if calling from client.
GenerateItemEntity: Generate item entity instance.
GetItemDefinition: Get item difinition from cache or table.
GetRuntimeDataByItemID: Get the first item runtime data from the item list by item id.
GetRuntimeDataByInstanceID: Get the unique item runtime data from the item list by instance id.
GetItemCount: Get item count by item id and instance id.
IsCapacityEnough: Is the capacity enough to add current item.
GetUsedDepotCapacity: Return the used depot capacity.
IsItemInUse: Return if the item is inused (equipped).
HasItem: Check if the item is existing in the inventory.
CanUseItem: Check if the item can be used.
AddPickupEntity: Add an available pick up entity.
RemovePickupEntity: Remove the pick up entity while endoverlapping.
GeneratePickupEntity: Generate pick up entity instance.
ServerPickupItem: The server rpc function to pick up one item.
OnServerPickup: Call while player pick up item from server.
3.3 Events
OnPickupsChanged:The event that will be called when the pickups changed.
OnItemsChanged: The event that will be called when the item list changed.
OnAddItemFinished: The event called after adding item.
OnUseOrDisuseItemFinished: The event called after use or disuse item.