Weapon System API
1 BP_WeaponComponent_USG
1.1 Propeties
WeaponSlots: The weapon slots that decides how many weapons the owner actor can equip.
bDestroyWeaponWhenDead: Determine if destroy the weapon when owner actor dead.
1.2 Functions
StartAttack: General function to start weapon attack.
StopAttack: General function to stop weapon attack.
CreateAndEquipWeapon: Create and equip the weapon by class and output weapon instance.
EquipWeapon: Equip the input weapon.
UnEquipWeapon: Unequip the input weapon.
UnEquipCurrentWeapon: Unequip(holster) current in use weapon.
SwitchWeapon: Switch to the input weapon.
SwitchWeaponBySlot: Switch to the weapon in target slot.
SwitchToNextWeapon: Switch to the weapon in next slot.
DiscardWeapon: Discard the input weapon.
DiscardWeaponBySlotID: Discard the weapon in target slot.
DiscardAllWeapons: Discard all weapons in owner actor.
DestroyAllWeapons: Destroy all weapons in owner actor.
GetCurrentWeapon: Return current in use weapon.
GetCurrentWeaponSlot: Return slot id of current in use weapon.
GetWeaponInSlot: Return the weapon from target slot.
GetWeaponSlotID: Return slot id of given weapon.
GetWeaponData: Return replicated weapon data.
1.3 Events
OnWeaponsChanged: The event that will be called when the owning weapons changed.
OnAttackStart: The event that will be called while starting attack.
OnAttackEnd: The event that will be called when attack finished.
2 BP_WeaponBase_USG
2.1 Propeties
MaleLinkAnimClass: Linked amin class for male owner (default).
FemaleLinkAnimClass: Linked amin class for female owner.
BaseDamage: The basic damage value for this weapon.
DamageTypeClass: The damage type class for this weapon.
bIsPointDamage: If trigger point damage for this weapon.
EquipAttachInfo: The attachment info of owner actor for this weapon.
DefaultUnequipAttachInfo: Default attachment info when unequip this weapon.
UnequipAttachSlotInfo: If the owner actor has more than one slot for this weapon type, you should config attachment info for each one.
CrossHairConfig: Cross hair configuration for this weapon. We assume every weapon can have the cross hair, no just shooting weapon.
2.2 Functions
StartAttack: function called while starting weapon attack.
StopAttack: function called while stopping weapon attack.
OnEquipWeapon: function called while equipping weapon.
OnUnEquipWeapon: function called while unequipping weapon.
OnServerHit: Trigger damage and call the damage interface (TakeWeaponDamage in IF_WeaponDamage_USG).
CheckLegalDamage: Verify whether the damage is valid, if not, the damage event will not be triggered.
GetCrossHairOffset: Return crosshair offset for this weapon.
GetCrossHairMultiplier: Return crosshair size multiplier for this weapon.
GetWeaponID: Return weapon instance id.
IsEquipped: Return if the weapon equipped or not.
2.3 Events
OnDisuseWeapon: The event that will be called when the weapon disused or unequipped.
OnDiscardWeapon: The event that will be called when the discarded.
3 BP_ShootingWeapon_USG
3.1 Propeties
MuzzleSocketName: Muzzle socket name from the weapon skeletal.
BulletSpeed: The move speed of the bullet for this weapon.
BulletClass: The bullet class for this weapon.
BulletItemID: The item id of bullet, which will be use to find the appropriate bullet for this weapon from inventory.
IsPointDamage: If true, this weapon will cause point damage, otherwise, it will cause normal damage (which will notify the injured actor or pawn).
FireAudio: Fire audio asset.
DefaultFireMode: Default fire mode for this weapon
SupportedFireMode: Supported fire mode for this weapon (single, auto and burst mode).
MaxCanLoadedBullet: Max bullet number which can be loaded for this weapon.
PelletsPerShot: Pellet number for each shooting.
BurstFireInterval: Shooing interval for burst shooting mode.
BurstFireBullets: Bullet number for each shooting at burst mode.
AnimConfig: Animation config for this weapon, such as reload montage.
bAutoReload: If true, this weapon will try reload after bullets running out.
3.2 Functions
Fire_Single: Start a single shot.
Fire_Burst: Start fire with burst mode.
Fire_Auto: Start fire with auto mode.
GetShootingMode: Return current shooting mode.
GetBulletData: Return replicated bullet data.
SwitchNextShootMode: Switch to next shooting mode.
PlayFireSound: Play fire sound effect.
ShowFireEffect: Show fire particle effect.
TryReload: Try starting reload process.
GetMuzzleTranform: Return muzzle transform of this shooting weapon.
GetBulletNumToAdd: Return the bullet number needed in this moment.
SpawnBulletFromPool: Spawn new bullet instance or get it from pool.
GetFireLocation: Return the shooting direction, start and end location.
3.3 Events
OnBulletCountChanged: The event that will be called when the bullet changed.
OnShootingModeChanged: The event that will be called when the shooting mode changed.
4 BP_WeaponTrajectory_USG
4.1 Propeties
CameraShake: Camera shake for shooting.
RecoilIncrement: Recoil increment for each shot.
RecoilDecreaseSpeed: Recoil decrease speed for continuous shooting.
SpreadMultiplierMax: Max multiplication fator of spread.
SpreadMultiplierCrouching: Max multiplication fator of spread while crouching.
SpreadMultiplierADS: Max multiplication fator of spread while ADS.
SpreadMultiplierScope: Max multiplication fator of spread while Scoping.
SpreadPitchMax: Max pitch spread of one shooting.
RecoilToSpreadCurve: Curve corresponding the relationship between recoil and spread.
RecoilToPitchCurve: Curve corresponding the relationship between recoil and pitch.
SpeedToMultipilerCurve: Curve corresponding the relationship between speed and multiplier.
4.2 Functions
ApplySpread: Apply spread for input shooting direction.
ApplyCameraMovement: Apply camera movement for shooting.
TickSpreadData: Update spread data in the tick.
GetSpreadMultiplier: Return spread multiplier according owner character states.
ModifyYawPitchInput: Change yaw and pitch according to current spread.
GetSreenSpreadRadius: Return screen spread radius for cross hair.