Performance Analysis

1 Commands for Performance Analysis

Use the development build version and press key ~ to input following commands for analysis.

  • Stat UNIT: Display performance information for the project’s Frame, Game, Draw, GPU, RHIT, and DynRes threads. Use this command to find out mainly cost of your game.

  • Stat GPU: If the cost is mainly on GPU, then use this command to display the GPU details.

  • Stat Game: If the cost is mainly on CPU, then use this command to display the CPU details.

2 Analysis for USGT

2.1 Analysis

  • Use the “Stat UNIT” command to display the cost and find out the cost is mainly on GPU.


  • We can see the cost is mainly caused by the Lumen and TemporalSuperResulution(Anti-Aliasing Method).

2.2 Optimation

  • Open ProjectSetting, modify the Anti-Aliasing Method to TAA.

  • Open ProjectSetting, modify the Lumen setting as follow.




lumensettingchange .jpg

  • After changing the setting, see the result of optimations.



[1] Stat Commands